EIDNative library version 3.0 is released

EIDNative – the Belgian eID card access library version 3.0 is available for download: http://sdrv.ms/1jsEPAc
Now it supports x64 and x32 Windows and can be used from Windows XP to Windows 8. This is the last release of the EIDNative library and it will be not updated in the future, because I made the new more advanced and powerful library for reading electronic id cards and the new library will replace EIDNative.

Ortus acquires the eIDnative Library

The eIDnative Library is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Belgian Electronic ID Card. It includes a native API for Microsoft .NET, native Win32, Visual Basic 6.0, VBA and Java (Windows platform only).

The library has been developed by Serhiy Perevoznyk and started as a freeware SDK for the Belgian electronic ID card. Ortus intends to use the library to develop freeware applications as well as  commercial applications.
Ortus maintains a free version of the eIDNative Library for the community and looks for input from users for future improvements.
I’m happy to transfer eIDNative Library to Ortus for continued development“, says Serhiy Perevoznyk, developer of the library.
Ortus has lots of experience with similar projects and can put a full development team at work to move eIDNative Library forward.
About Serhiy Perevoznyk
Serhiy Perevoznyk is a Belgian software architect who masters Embarcadero Delphi, C#, C++ and Java. He is an authority in a lot of developer communities.
About Ortus
Ortus is a Belgian software company founded on 18 May 1999 as a private limited company.
Using Embarcadero development tools Ortus builds software for the developer community and the end-user market.
For more information about Ortus please visit Ortus website: http://www.ortus.be
The new home of eIDNative Library is http://www.eidnative.be

La librairie EIDNative est un SDK pour la carte Identité électronique belge et pour la carte SIS belge

Librairie EIDNative

La librairie EIDNative est un SDK pour la carte Identité électronique belge et pour la carte SIS belge.

L’API de la librairie EIDNative est native pour:

* Microsoft .NET
* Native Win32
* Visual Basic 6.0 and VBA
* Java (seulement pour Windows)

et supporte les langages de programmation suivants:

* touts les langages .NET (C#, Visual Basic .NET, Delphi .NET, etc…)
* Visual C++
* Visual Basic 6.0
* Visual Basic for applications (Microsoft Office)
* Delphi
* Java

Un projet démo est inclus pour chaque langage supporté.

La librairie EIDNative implémente une API pour tout les langages cibles supportés.
Par exemple la version .NET est écrite en C#, la version Delphi est écrite en Delphi et
la version Java est écrite en Java sans utilisé COM ou ActiveX.

La librairie EIDNative est la première solution feeware pour la carte d’identité belge eID et pour la carte SIS 
compatible avec le middleware officiel (“Belgian eID Middleware”) mais ne l’exige pas.
Toutes les applications développées utilisant la librairie EIDNative tourneront sans se préocupper de la présence ou non
du middleware officiel de la eID et surtout sans bloqué la carte.

Quand le middleware eID est installé, la librairie EIDNative redirigera toutes les fonctions l’appelant,
fonctionnant comme un proxy entre l’application et le middleware.
Dans le cas où le middleware n’est pas installé, la librairie accédera directement à la carte en haute vitesse.
L’utilisation du middleware peut être spécifié quand la librairie est initialisée.

Rappelez-vous, vous devez toujours distribuer la librairie EIDReader.dll avec toutes vos applications.
Vous pouvez la copier dans le répertoire de votre application ou dans le répertoire système de windows.
Cela dépends du langage cible que vous utilisez.


* Access directe à la carte électronique belge (eID)
* Access directe à la carte SIS belge
* compatibilité avec les middleware officiel de la carte électronique
* link natif, pas de COM ou d’ActiveX nécessaire
* Implémentation Microsoft .NET, Win32 et Java

Télécharger: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eidnative/files/eidnative/EID%20Native%20Library%202.3/EIDLibrarySetup.

EIDNative update

EIDNative Library is released today and available for download at Sourceforge:

In this version was improved the support of Visual Basic and VBA, added SIS cards support for VBA and added the card detection with SIS and EID cards support. There are 2 functions available now IsEIDCard and IsSISCard. When SIS card is inserted into reader EIDNative switches automatically to SIS cards reading mode.
As the switch between reading modes is not very fast operation, it is not recommended to close the GUI application when SIS card is still inserted into reader. In this case the application window disappears with some delay. You can also avoid it by reading card in the separate thread (Delphi, C++ and C#).

I also added the documentation for Visual Basic and Visual Basic sample of reading SIS card.

EIDNativeX update

 New version of EIDNativeX ActiveX control for reading Belgian eID and SIS cards is available for download.
EIDNativeX has no external dependencies and works without eID Middleware.
What’s new in this release:
  • GetPicture function returns IPictureDisp interface (stdPicture in Visual Basic)
  • IsSISCard function added in addition to IsEIDCard function
  • CardConnected and ConnectToCard procedures support now SIS card also
I would like to thanks 
  • Christophe Van Ongevalle
  • Peter Mondelaers
  • Wouter Devos
  • Ben De Cat
  • René Boesmans

for helping me, providing useful ideas and bug reports. For freeware projects the support of the users means always a lot. Than you guys!

If you have an idea about the new feature, please use User Voice Forum