The material world

“The miserable conditions of this material world can be corrected by a sufficient supply of milk, yogurt, honey, ghee, molasses, food grains, ornaments, bedding, sitting places and so on. This is human civilization. Ample food grains can be produced through agricultural enterprises, and profuse supplies of milk, yogurt and ghee can be arranged through cow protection. Abundant honey can be obtained if the forests are protected. Unfortunately, in modern civilization, men are busy killing the cows that are the source of yogurt, milk and ghee, they are cutting down all the trees that supply honey, and they are opening factories to manufacture nuts, bolts, automobiles and wine instead of engaging in agriculture. How can the people be happy? They must suffer from all the misery of materialism.”

from Srimad Bhagavatam

Agile and Apple app store

One of the principles of Agile development is to make a regular releases of the product: “Release your software to your end customers as often as you can without inconveniencing them.”  Why is it necessary?

The regular project releases would help to produce revenue earlier. Except when the product is not ready, full of bugs and new features which are not welcome y consumers (remember the “Start” button in Windows 8 story?). 

For mobile apps development this principle is even more important. When user searches for the application in the app store and see thousands of apps with similar functionality and even similar icons, the release date and the update frequency can be the final factor. 

If application was not updated during last 6 months, it can be just an abandoned application – the user thinks and he will give the favor to another one, released just few days ago.

 Thus, make updates regularly, do not disappoint your users!

Leaving Twitter

There is no more Twitter for me. Twitter suspended my account without any notice. I know, I can create the ticket and ask them to reactivate it, but I don’t see the reason why should I do it. I suppose that all my followers can find another way to reach me. And actually less social activity in Internet means more social activity in the real life 🙂

Ex-topman Apple Steve Jobs overleden

Steve Jobs is woensdag op 56-jarige leeftijd overleden. Jobs was de medestichter van computergigant Apple. Hij verliet Apple in augustus 2011 wegens gezondheidsredenen.
De charismatische Jobs was in 1976 medeoprichter van Apple. De Amerikaan kampte al jaren met gezondheidsproblemen en zette in augustus 2011 een stap opzij.

Jobs stond aan de basis van immens populaire producten zoals Apple Macintosh computers, de iPod, de iPhone en de iPad. De oprichter van Apple leed aan kanker. Hij trad in augustus af als CEO, maar bleef wel bestuursvoorzitter.
Jobs werd op 24 februari 1955 geboren in San Francisco. Hij had al verscheidene jaren gezondheidsproblemen. In 2004 werd hij getroffen door pancreaskanker en in 2009 moest hij een levertransplantatie ondergaan.
“We zijn triest dat we moeten melden dat Steve Jobs woensdag is overleden”, meldt Apple in een korte mededeling. “Jobs had een briljant karakter, zijn passie en energie hebben geleid tot onbeschrijfelijke innovaties die onze leven hebben verrijkt en verbeterd.”

Op de website van Apple staat woensdagavond een foto van Jobs, met zijn geboorte- en sterfjaar.

bron: ZDNet